Adventures of Z and N

Zak and Naomi


Published by Z & N under on 6:17 PM
Welcome to Japan!

Some 2011 pics.

Naomi and Mitsuko.

Zak and Br. Suzuki.

Br Suzuki took us to the zoo where he worked.

We saw many animals like this Rino.

The Japanese call this a Baku... the dream eater!

We spent time Tokyo... What a city!

This is the Emperor's land.
It's like Tokyo's central park.

Lot of people jogging or just relaxing.

This is one of the guard houses.

We also spent time in the mountains.

We love hiking!

I love this picture.

We hiked 12 miles...
To lake Sagamiko

We went to Nagano.
The border is always marked by a rainbow! Ha-ha!

We visited friends.

We visited friends closer to home too...
With the Takano family at Bronco Billiy's

We ate with Family...
At GyuKaku

We drank with Family...
Naomi's Uncle

Our cutest family member!

Mama and Humio


About Me

Weno, Chuuk, Micronesia
